In our ubiquitous information technology based society we need to manage through every day life which is more and more full of new challenges: electronic forms, web based tools, social networking sites, and virtual worlds such as Second Life.
To meet those challenges we have developed a great variety of services and facilities in our
Adult Education Centre of the City of Helsinki, where we have, among regular students, a lot of those who want to study of their own. Self studying for information and community technology (ICT) skills is not so easy for starters, so they usually need guidance to manage through the real world problems with computers and networks.
We have about 20 volunteer students, who frequently give their guidance to the other students, mostly beginners, who seek for knowledge and skills. In addition of the warm heart, the volunteers will get some free classes and tutoring for their prize.
We have a project dealing with the new social media tools and possibilities in e-learning genre, so we decided to give a brief introduction about it to our brave and innovative volunteer students. We invited them to the Adult Education Centre and they got known about our project and also about Second Life.
I was amazed how well they faced it: I think they truly got interested in, they did not get a shock for sure... at least not a bad one. I think at least some of them will also participate in the special course, to be held in spring, concerning about social media possibilities. Then they will get some more detailed tutoring about the Second Life also. Probably they will want to fill out the registration form, create their own avatar and begin their in-world journey. For orientation I sent them some more information about Second Life and url-addresses to the SL video tutorials.
I want to thank my avatar friends Le Selentiak and Midsummer Moonintoog for helping me during the in-world demonstration in the Second Life! You were great!
Second Life - käyttöohjeet in Finnish (Koulutuskeskus SALPAUS)
Second Life - Video tutorials - BasicsLe Selentiak's blog