The goals have been changed a bit during these several months (actually the first ones go back to one year almost) and our project has been funded by Finnish National Board of Education to meet the challenges, which is really respectful in this genre comparing on the national ICT strategies abroad.
Oh, I almost forgot to write that the reference group of the project is senior citizens, that need to cope with the new challenges in our information society (see more from my notes at 2008. Sep 4th).
There are more information and some pick-ups from our curriculum (social media classes) in the project blog. Sorry, the blog is only in Finnish! But wouldn't this be a nice idea to learn this nice and easy rare Fenno-Ugric language!!! In the Helsinki Adult Education Centre there is a wide selection of Finnish classes also for foreigners and immigrants (see more about Finnish classes from the website).
- Somedi - Sosiaalinen media ja ikäihmiset -project informatio