Saturday, May 31, 2008

Avatars have dreams in first life also

I teleported to ESL SL School (English as a Second Language in SL) and chatted with Johnius Petrov who is a member of a Help Team there. He is a russian who lives in Ukraine. He seemed to be a very nice person and had an interesting dream in the real life. He has a master degree of Computer technology from the University but wants to be a psychologist and to study abroad. He needs some money for that. The average salary in Ukraine is 300 USD so he has a dream to work in Canada and study later in England.

It was my first visit in the ESL SL school since about six months. The building itself had been changed: has now some more luxury comparing on the past seen :). I asked about Violet Meili, my first SL friend, who had also been working as a member of the Help Team in ESL SL school but Johnius had not seen her for a long time. I wonder what has happened to my dear friend Violet...maybe she has been concentrating in the first life like me recently.

Kirjoitettu Flock-selaimella

University of Joensuu in SL & RSS

The first Finnish University has established an own island in Second Life. The main aims are focusing in the pedagogical use of virtual spaces in the genre of ICT. The island will be used also for training.

I visited in the island on Saturday morning. It was really calm: no one there. was a really sunny and warm day in the Frist Life, so no wonder :). The structures in the island have been very well done and there are some really nice ideas there.

There are now six different houses or rooms for different activities including House of best practices, Reference library, Show room, Movie theatre and Pod casts. Also the Sand box for building practices is handy.

Since last visit in the Second Life it has been improving I can see. In this island there is for example the possibility to feed real time RSS from the Internet (see the screen capture). Also the interface itself has been improved: now it includes the search possibility in the upper right hand corner and the auditive Chat bar in the lower right hand corner.

Kirjoitettu Flock-selaimella

Back in the Grid

After a very long pause I am here again. So, there will be something new soon...
Kirjoitettu Flock-selaimella
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