I continued searching places for educational purposes, used SL's search window and found an interesting place called Academy of Second Life, which offers lessions for free forexample in Scripting and Building in SL. One sujects is also Teaching in SL. They do hire new teachers who get a 500 L$ stipend per an hour for their lessions. There are usually 1-3 lessions in a day between 7 AM to 10 AM SL time (17-20 o'clock in Helsinki).
After red some information I teleported myself in "Audiocourses.com - Online audio production and music technology school" and there was a big auditorium in there and some tools for audio production. Seems to be interesting place and needs some more visits.
After red some information I teleported myself in "Audiocourses.com - Online audio production and music technology school" and there was a big auditorium in there and some tools for audio production. Seems to be interesting place and needs some more visits.

GQ - Village for new people (newbie) - freebies
I teleported in sort of little village for newbies and found there some avatars. One was a volunteer instructor who helped other avatars. After listening the free lession I met a newbie, who asked if I could help her because she could not unpack boxes. Some items have been packed into boxes so that several items fit in a small packet. I helped her and she learned first how to drag a box to the ground, so that it could be opened and how to copy the contents into the inventory. After she left I got one thing that I should have told: it is not allowed in every spot of SL to drag items on the ground. The owners of the land have usually restricted what can be done; for example flying, building, using the scripts, voice chat etc.
She was gratefull and I turned in good mood. She offered me friendship but I declined it. Insted of it I gave her my Note Card and told her that she could send me an IM (Instant Message) when ever she needed any help. I told her also about the GQ Village where newbies can ask anything and get some important information from instructors and other volunteer SL avatars around the village. I have four friends already in my friend's list, and if I make friends with just anyone after a short conversation, soon my friend's list is totally mess up and I cannot remember who is who.
Well, luckily there is a profile window for each avatar where you can write some free notes about each avatar. From the profile you can always check also the personal information that has been written in some tabs of it.
Then I started to rearrange my own inventory that was a total mess because I had bought lots of free items such as all kind of clothes (shoes, dresses, full costumes for the ball and so on), animations (for example for dancing and for hugging) and objects (for example buildings, plants and vehicles). I tried to figure out what was the purpose of the object because they are not always so clearly titled nor include any instructions.
I found an object called "Screaming MIMI!" which seemed to be sort of rocket. So I sat on the seat in it and it started to give flames and strange increasing noise. Then I touched the rocket and it just started to move with increasing speed. Soon I was high in the sky above the clouds and more...until I reached the atmosphere and sort of space...an there was night time and all the stars were shining. It was beautiful but I was afraid how could I get back to the solid ground.
Luckily you cannot get killed of low oxygen in SL as far as I know. Well the space trip was nice experiment but I decided to stand up so that the rocket just continued its flight and I started to drop down my hands moving all over. Finally I met the ground, my avatar just raised up and shoke its body and all the mud from it and started to smile again. It's so easy in SL to change the mood after the shocking free jump.
Then I started to practise with animations and one newbie saw me dancing and moving my avatar like a maniac. She asked if I had some animations to give her and I gave her several. Then she offered me the friendship and I told her the same words than the other newbie just before. So that is what SL is...trying to make friends with nice avatars/people and learn how SL works. There is lots to learn about. On thing is how to decline all the friendship offers without making the avatars get offended. Personally I just need some more time to get known of other avatars, and expecially the real life people behind them, before making friends...