Friday, June 27, 2008

Tutoring my colleague

One particularly nice person, Midsummer Moomington, a librarian of our Adult Education Centre was in troubles last Thursday in the EduFinland island. She needed some help in her very first steps in the virtual world of SL. First there was a problem of getting inside the open learning center house in the island: the door just did not open at all in first attempts. We noticed finally that it needs to be opened by touching the window - not the wooden parts of the door.

After a lots of efforts trying in (lol) I suggested that she might want to sit down in the bubble chair. It was not so easy either cause it usually needs to click on the right mouse button, not left.

Then nothing happened: no actions taken on her avatar. I asked if everything was alright or not. She just got a customer in first life so she could not concentrate on the second life. So after she finished with the customer we continued our tour inside the house. We found a very nice blue laptop in the table. She got a copy but could not find it from the inventory. Instead of the laptop she found a mug of chocolate which she took in her hand with my help. I also gave her an animated cup of coffee, which was nice looking.

After some cups of coffee we learnt how to zoom and pan in t the SL. That was all for almost one hour. The skills will be improving gradually.
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