Here is the slightly edited citations of the SL chat history I saved in Sky News island. Thanks to Silvae Reuven for her statements. These words shown below gives a good description about Sky News' ideas of using Second Life.
Second Life citations of the avatars chatting in the Sky News island, September, the 3rd.
[10:33] Silvae Reuven: hello aino!
[10:34] Aino Kanto: oh, hello! Am i interrupting something?
[10:35] Silvae Reuven: no, not at all. nothing going on here at the moment. :)
[10:35] Aino Kanto: ok, nice to hear
[10:35] Silvae Reuven: do you have any questions about this sim?
[10:35] Aino Kanto: i am preparing myself for tomorrows lecture
[10:36] Aino Kanto: just wonder if it would be a good idea to drop by with my
[10:36] Silvae Reuven: oh, cool, a lecture about?
[10:36] Aino Kanto: it is about social web tools, i will show some cases in SL
[10:37] Silvae Reuven: sounds interesting. we've held a lot of pretty cool
events here. want to know more?
[10:37] Aino Kanto: yes, please
[10:38] Silvae Reuven: ok, just need to move cat that is sleeping on my
[10:38] Aino Kanto: lol, they always love warm cool places... isn't it a paradox.. :=)
[10:39] Silvae Reuven: yeah, this one's Very insistent... anyway
[10:40] Silvae Reuven: we've had some of our presenters make live
appearances here with their look-alike avatars. Some took visitors on a
tour of the place to explain what happens where and talk about their
[10:41] Aino Kanto: oh, that is very interesting
[10:41] Silvae Reuven: We've also had them interview politicians and tv
celebrities (UK ones) right here at the desk.
[10:42] Aino Kanto: oh, that is fascinating
[10:42] Silvae Reuven: To make all of that available to a larger audience, we
streamed a video feed of this onto a website where people could take
part in the discussion via a live forum.
[10:43] Aino Kanto: a new approaching between the virtual and real
[10:42] Silvae Reuven: ...what else...
[10:43] Silvae Reuven: Well, when we first launched, the interviews held
here were streamed live onto SKy News television, which meant
we had a virtual and real audience at the same time. A first!
[10:44] Silvae Reuven: That's about it. :-)
[10:44] Aino Kanto: amazing!
[10:44] Silvae Reuven: sure, we uploaded some videos to youtube, shall i
find the link for you?
[10:44] Aino Kanto: thank you for your briefing Silvae... i would appreciate the youtube link for sure
[10:44] You: would you know if here is something happening in the
morning tomorrow between 8:30 - 10:00 AM UK time
[10:45] Silvae Reuven: no, nothing happening in the forseeable future
[10:45] Aino Kanto: ok, i think we will definetely drop by tomorrow
[10:46] Silvae Reuven: few good ones here:
[10:46] Silvae Reuven: and I think I may have different ones on mypage (not sure now):
[10:47] Silvae Reuven: could be interesting to show your students
[10:47] Aino Kanto: thank you very much! this is very cool
[10:47] Silvae Reuven: good luck with that lecture
[10:47] Aino Kanto: i might do that, thanks for the hint
[10:48] Silvae Reuven: ok, if you have no more questions, i'm gonna
[10:48] Aino Kanto: ok, i will continue my journey too, thanks for everything
[10:48] Silvae Reuven: very welcome, have fun
[10:48] Aino Kanto: and good times in the sky
[10:48] Silvae Reuven: quite ;-)
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