Ethics and moral in virtual worlds reflect the same values of living and behaving as in real world. The situation could be relatively same if one missed his/her duties in RL. In anyway the students of ESL school do pay a small amount of linden dollars for the classes.
I wondered why Violet1 moved to Sweden instead of staying in Philippines, which is a paradise in my opinion as it's climate and nature. Violet1 told that it is nice for travelling for a week or two, but not safe at all to live in there. There is a lot of violence and white collar people are mostly highly corrupted. So one can do almost nothing because of the fear to get busted or kidnapped or even raped. So we got our conlusion taht despite all the darkness in the Autumn in the nordic countries Sweden is a really big contrast regarding it's social security system and peacefull attitude of the inhabitants and easy way of living in safe societies. Violet1 added that she thinks there is no such a place called a paradise.
Violet1 and Bracken (a teacher) were planning the Xmas parties in ESL school and discussed about the decorations when I teleported myself to the school. Violet1 has been creating 3D snowman with SL's efficient building tools. I noticed that mr Snowman missed a hat and a carrot nose, so Violet1 started to create those ideas immediately.
Before arrived in ESL school I had been shopping some new clothes and other items to change my outfit. I wanted to try rock-look so I had changed black clothes on and wore a guitar. I had gotten also some free animations called rockstar and so on. So they were surprised because of my recently changed habitus.

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